
We, at DFW Divorce Finances, value the relationships we form with our clients.  Through the divorce process we begin to feel like we know your entire family and we feel your pain and anguish and we know and understand your needs, desires and expectations.

As a client you will:

  1. gain an understanding of short and long term financial consequences of settlement options;
  2. receive financial education, knowledge, and experience if you are feeling at a disadvantage through the divorce process;
  3. receive assistance in gathering, retrieving and organizing documents and data to produce when needed and to make fully informed and intelligent decisions;
  4. receive assistance in understanding your options with complicated settlement issues;
  5. receive and analysis of a household budge/cash flow needs;
  6. receive a Current Statement of Net Worth (Assets and Liabilities);
  7. receive a understanding of Benefits and Valuations;
  8. receive an illustration of the financial aspects of settlement scenarios;
  9. receive an illustration of the financial implication for various scenarios; and
  10. you will receive a better understanding of your financial needs and priorities.

We will be honest with you and with that honesty at time means we have to point out badFinances and Coffee decisions and or desires.  An example may be:  You really want to stay in the home you raised your children in but is that the best decision for your financial future and the financial future of your family.  We may have to have some hard discussions.


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